Saturday, February 14, 2009

Days Off

**Original posting on Live Journal on January 25, 2009**

I bet a lot could be said about a person based on how they spend their day(s) off. For instance, Saturdays are reserved for visiting my dad. He waits all week for all three of us (me, my mom and bro) to come visit. We come bearing snacks, some he eats instantly and others he'll save for during the week. Sunday is my day. As of late, I've been the poster child for lazy Sundays. I'll stay in bed past 11:00, watch television (mainly series DVD sets), chat with my sister on the phone and MAYBE make plans to meet a friend for a meal or coffee at 1:30pm or later. This is my day for doing any type of shopping, including grocery, clothes, and the like. Ideally, I'd like to cook a nice meal on Sunday, start early and eat early. Wind down the weekend and enjoy the last hours of relaxation before the work week begins.

If what I do during the weekend has any reflection on the type of person that I am, then I'd say I'm someone who likes to spend time with family and friends. I'm somewhat committed to a schedule and obligations, but take time to do nothing and play the day by ear. Simply put, I most enjoy a balance of fun and relaxation.

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